Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Solo Blackrock Spire

Blackrock Mountain - it makes me think of that old song  "Big Rock Candy Mountain" don't know why, just does.  Anyway more specifically Blackrock Spire is home of some wayward horde types who used to be really tough to beat but now at max level there really is very little challenge here as for whether or not you will survive.  But there is good content none the less, and three nice achievements that can be obtained!

Probably the most popular of all being the Leeroy Jenkins inspired achievement Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! with the dragon-kind whelps.  I still laugh every time I watch Leroy run in there!  The other two achievments are Lower Blackrock Spire and Upper Blackrock Spire.

I will assume you are able to find your way to the Blackrock Mountain which if you are horde can sometimes be a pretty good jaunt in itself.  Once there, getting into the spire is sometimes a bit confusing.  There are two ways you can do it as a level 90, I made three videos to show you. The Hard Way Part 1 , The Hard Way Part 2And here is the easy way.

I definitely prefer the easy way.  :)

For me the most difficult part was finding all the little nooks and crannies of the instance.  It is a pretty nice little maze if you ask me.  Once you have killed everything enjoy your rule of the spire.

As always if you have screenshots, video or additional helpful information please post in the comments section.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Soloing Tempest Keep The Eye

Did a couple of solo runs through Tempest Keep, the eye.  Got Deathmantle Shoulderpads for mog gear.

My first run in The Eye I went in with a Sub spec and PVP gear - I haven't finished getting all of my season 15 gear yet and my current score today is iLevel 518 which is just a little better than when I ran this.  When I went in with the Sub spec I stealthed past all the bosses other than the main one Kael'thas Sunstrider.  The main reason I went in was for a chance at the mount he drops, the Ashes of Al'ar flying mount.

I did alright with the fight up until the final fight which I tried to do on the stage and I ended up dead.  I went back in with a combat spec which seemed to be working really well and changed tactics to the main floor after clearing off all the trash I ran the group around some of the obstacles and took them down pretty easy.

If you are trying this as a rogue let me suggest that when you get to High Astromancer Solarian you kill all the trash around the room before engaging, otherwise you get into a stun loop that doesn't end.

This is definitely one of the older raid contents that usually gets skipped but is worth going through.  In case you aren't sure how to get there, here is the gist of it.

 If you are a mage you can teleport to Shattrath City and skip this first part.  Otherwise, you need to find the blasted lands portal.

Being a blood elf myself, I've shown you the portal that's located in the Cleft of Shadows in Ogrimar.  If you are alliance you'll find the portal in the Stormwind Mage Quarter.

Once you are through there there is the dark portal to travel through.

At one time going through this portal seemed like such a big deal.  It was an accomplishment to be able to do it.  Now - meh...  :(  Once you are through the dark portal you will go down the stairs and find the horde flight master on the right and the alliance on the left.  
Your goal now that you are in Outland is to get to Cosmowrench in the Netherstorm zone. 
You no longer need to be attuned to this raid, so as long as you can find the door you're good to go.  There are four instances in the Tempest Keep area - you are going for the big one in the middle.

So I think that will get you there.  Have fun and please post any insights you have to this instance as a solo run in the comments section below.  
